Resolve Problems.

We assist you in eliminating critical issues.
At the source of your value stream.

Focus services.

Relocation Taskforce

Streamlined production in the right place.

We have the expertise and resources to address the challenges of relocating manufacturing operations. With our proven procedures and experience in managing complex relocation projects, we can ensure that the ramp-down at the old site and ramp-up at the new site are implemented smoothly and on schedule. We will work with you to map out manufacturing capacity and ensure customer satisfaction throughout the process. You can rely on our expertise to help you achieve a successful relocation project.

Quality Taskforce

Quality improvement in the fastest possible time.

When quality issues lead to high scrap and rework rates, it can have a significant impact on delivery capability and ultimately, customer satisfaction. This can result in delivery backlogs and high costs for your company, such as special freight charges or penalties. To prevent further declines in sales and maintain your competitive advantage, we can help you take fast and targeted actions. We can work with you to derive suitable measures for error containment, systematically identify the root causes of the quality issues and solve them permanently. Our approach is designed to ensure that you maintain high levels of quality, reduce scrap and rework rates, and improve delivery capability.

Ramp-up management

Everything as planned.

Launching new products requires a wide range of different skills from your company. Managing the close interaction between development, purchasing, quality and production in your own plants is a challenge for every company.
In particular, the activities from the release of the pre-series to the target quantity of series production require a stable and transparent approach. With our support, we effectively relieve your management and staff team to shorten the series start-up, minimize start-up costs, ensure product quality, and achieve the planned production quantity.

Supplier Taskforce

Delivery capability secured.

Your suppliers may also face similar challenges. If difficulties occur in their ramp-up management, these often lead to quality defects and delivery backlogs, which negatively impact your customer satisfaction. In the worst case, you must realign your procurement channels, which involves significant effort and expenses. To prevent this from occurring in the first place, we work with you to develop immediate actions to ensure your required quantity and quality. If necessary, we support the production processes at your supplier's site directly on the line.


Our added value.

  • Your challenge

    In a dynamic economy, unforeseen business-critical problems can arise that the company's own management cannot always deal with acutely.

  • Our service

    We resolve severe issues with a dedicated task force and solve your problem permanently.

Our premises.

  • Management

    Project management is the responsibility of an experienced task force manager who ensures a target-oriented approach and communication under high pressure.

  • Expertise

    Our unique and repeatedly tested task force management approach is guaranteed to help overcome multi-faceted problems. Our approach focuses on short-term problem-solving, followed by long-term improvement to ensure sustainable solutions.

  • Interdisciplinarity

    The team is set up by one of our experienced Taskforce Managers. The dedicated involvement of the appropriate experts ensures that the problem is managed in a targeted manner.

Our success stories.

"Constructive collaboration in the multi-disciplinary workshop team and ongoing follow-up support for truly sustainable process improvement."

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"˙XCELLENCE has taken us from a 5S organization to a true Lean organization."

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"Truly sustainable process improvement through constructive cooperation in the interdisciplinary workshop team and constant follow-up support"

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"Due to the professional support of ˙XCELLENCE, ramp-up difficulties at the supplier could be solved quickly and sustainably. Special thanks for your efforts!"

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What we do.

Our services are designed to tackle the following two challenges.

Shape Processes.

We increase your productivity and raise your quality to new levels by continuously optimizing the efficiency, effectiveness, and competitiveness of your processes and systems

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Resolve Problems.

We ensure your ability to respond to short-term, business-critical issues through rapid problem resolution and strategic remediation

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